Sunday, September 21, 2008

What Is Lemper?

Panggang Lemper 2309 Panggang Lemper 2308 Panggang Lemper 2310

Lemper is traditional food in Indonesia. It’s made of rice and some shredded meat. So, if you know what Sushi, the Japanese Food, perhaps Lemper is the giant Sushi.

What happened to lemper if you put it on the dashboard under the sunlight? In just an hour, they’ll just like microwaved. So, actually it’s energy saving, how to put your lemper on fire, ehm… on microwave. You don’t need a microwave, all you need is just a sunlight.

Lemper is delicious and known as traditional food which is around Rp. 2.000 to Rp.5.000. You can find it easily in Indonesia.
